Help Me Out

Here are some great ways you can make a big difference to my online efforts, many completely for free. Consider supporting me through platform credits/tokens, cryptocurrency, fiat currencies, PayPal (before boycotting them), or even with a debit card. Additionally, using easy affiliate links can help me hugely. Every little bit helps, and I appreciate any support you can give!

Backer Rewards

Any support received will make you eligible as a backer to exclusive access to unlisted content, behind-the-scenes updates, and priority communications with me. I've discontinued my SubscribeStar profile due to high platform fees and bureaucracy, so please support me directly through the below listed means and a without middlemen or fees. Contact me 

  • Use my .crypto address as the transfer target. All my crypto currencies are provided through this domain. 


Use my FIO address as the target of crypto transfers. All my crypto currencies are provided through this specific address.

Platform Token Support

I use all help to 100% elevate my content on all the respective platforms.

To support my channel, you can either send me LBRY credits/tips by visiting your Odysee wallet send page and entering my wallet address: bSeMryWdiE6E1SZFx2dsnFrNooY2EjKNMn , or boost my channel/posts by clicking the support button at the top of my channel or below and video. Boosting uses your free LBRY credits, which are refundable. To claim your credits back, simply visit your Active > Support > Credits Page and delete the specific boost, and 100% of your credits will be returned to your wallet.

With Basic Attention Token (BAT) from your Brave browser visit my registered domain, my YouTube channel, or my Twitter profile. Once you are on one of these platforms, click the BAT icon to the right of your browser's address bar, and choose to send a one-off or monthly tip (monthly preferred).

Visit my Bastyon profile, on the left-hand column below my bio information, you will find a donate button. Click on it, select the PKOIN amount you wish to contribute, and click apply.

Additionally, if required, my PKOIN wallet address is PHPu6Tv7oerPR3AuBf6kMDgrybCywxDVGN

Visit my Minds profile and click the Minds Token icon (next to the subscribe button) to send me Minds Tokens.

Additionally, if required, my Minds wallet address is 0xCF6C786bbd6C6C6e5B207c2454d8581dD1966eaF

Fiat Support

I am still accepting and processing fiat currency support, which can be easily arranged by contacting me. If you wish to offload any currency from PayPal (before you, and I, boycott them), I can accept it. Additionally, I can securely process payments made through Google Pay and Debit Cards. However, I strongly encourage everyone to use cash in their day-to-day lives and decentralized cryptocurrencies whenever possible.

Affiliate Support
Some great ways to help me with direct affiliate payments.
Recommended VPN

Free Trial

If you're looking for a VPN that can unlock geographically restricted streaming services like BBC iPlayer, Netflix, Channel4,... then this is the right choice for you. However, it's important to note that this VPN is not designed for security or privacy. Instead, it's owned by Ziff Davis that resells White Label VPNs to other companies (no China link found). For recommendations on VPNs that prioritise security and privacy, please visit my Technology recommendations page.

Unstoppable Domains

Free $10 Credit

If you're interested in owning a decentralised and uncensorable domain, Unstoppable Domains can help. With their service, you can have a website just like mine without worrying about recurring fees. Plus, they're offering a US$10 credit to get started.

Crypto Exchange

Recommended Exchange

I use Bittrex exchange along with Kraken, especially for Odysee (LBRY/LBC) credits. Despite the minimal verification requirements, Bittrex is a good exchange that I trust. In fact, their credibility is enhanced by the fact that they have been targeted by the SEC. Overall, Bittrex is a reliable platform for trading Odysee credits.

MEGA Cloud Storage

Free Storage

Get some free cloud storage for you and me. This outfit features on my recommended technologies page as a great alternative to Google Drive. It's fully end-to-end encrypted, has apps, and comes ready with loads of storage.

Get Google To Pay

Free Support

If you want to stick it to the big man, visit my blog and click on any and all Google ads (normally found down the right side of the homepage). To make sure you see the ads, remember to disable any ad-blockers or lower your Brave shield when on my blog. Once you click on the ads, let the page load and spend brief moment scrolling. It's free for you and direct payment to me.


Free Product

Even though you're on this decentralised website, you might still want to send your granny a postcard from time to time via snail mail. But don't worry, you can use the free credit you'll receive to let her know you're doing well no matter where you are in the world.

"True charity is anonymous: it seeks the good of others, not applause for itself."  - Nicolás Gómez Dávila